Solscan Transaction Details

Viewing the Transaction Details page on Solscan

1. Signature: A signature (or a TxHash) is an unique 88 character identifier that is generated whenever a transaction was executed.
2. Block: Number of block in which the transaction is recorded. Block confirmations indicate how many blocks have been added since the transaction was conducted.
3. Timestamp: The date and time in which the transaction is conducted.
4. Result: The final result of a transaction.
5. Signer: The authorization party of the transaction.
6. Fee: Amount paid to process the transaction in SOL and fiat value.
7. Priority Fee: An amount of optional fee to enable user with optimal transactions scheduling.
8. Compute Units Consumed: A measure of the requests needed to carry out a transaction.
9. Transaction Version: Information about the transaction format involving the transaction.
10. Previous Block Hash: Reference to the last Proof of History hash for a “slot”.

Sinh Nguyen
Sinh Nguyen
Last updated: